Useful Dog Obedience Training Tips
Useful Dog Obedience Training Tips
November 9, 2017
Making Sure Your Pet Guinea Pig is Properly Groomed
Making Sure Your Pet Guinea Pig is Properly Groomed
November 9, 2017
Useful Dog Obedience Training Tips
Useful Dog Obedience Training Tips
November 9, 2017
Making Sure Your Pet Guinea Pig is Properly Groomed
Making Sure Your Pet Guinea Pig is Properly Groomed
November 9, 2017

Flea Prevention – An Important Part of Your Cat’s Monthly Regime

There is very little worse for a family then living in a house with a cat that is suffering from a flea infestation. It’s bad enough that your cat is always scratching and clawing at itself, even ripping large hunks of hair and flesh from its body in an attempt to rid itself of the biting insects. But unfortunately there is nothing to prevent the fleas from staying on the cat. If the problem is left untreated, you could quickly find that your entire house is full of fleas, and that you are being bitten nearly as often as your pet house cat.

It is important to stop the fleas before they start to take over your home.

Preventive medicine is the best way to make sure that your pet and house stay flea free. There are several topical medications available on today’s market that are designed to prevent fleas from feasting on your cat. Most of the products are quite successful provided the cat owner follow the directions and use them properly.

Flea collars do not usually work and can be dangerous to your cat.

If your cat already has fleas, the fastest way to get rid of them is to apply a Veterinary approved flea prevention.  You can always bathe your cat to eliminate dead fleas days after the flea prevention is applied or just let the cat groom itself.  After the cat has had fleas, they will probably develop tapeworms.  These can be identified by seeing small segments, which look like grains of rice, on their fur on their back legs or around their butt.  If you see these, call your vet for the proper medication.

Kitchen sinks are a wonderful place to give your cat a bath, because you can stand straight up while you are holding your cat in the water. Kitchen sinks are typically deeper then sinks located in other parts of the house.

When you are giving your pet cat a bath have plenty of towel at hand, both to dry your freshly washed pet, and to sop any excess water that gets inadvertently splashed on the counters and kitchen floor. If your cat is prone to bite and scratch when it’s placed in a sink full of water, you may want to invest in a pair of thick, tall falcon gloves that will protect your hands and arms. If you do get bitten by your cat while giving it a bath you will want to get to your doctors office right away, even cats that are kept inside, have dirty mouths and cat bites can get infected very quickly.

After your cat is clean and free of fleas, send some time cuddling it and brushing its freshly washed hair. Let it know that you really didn’t mean to torture it and that you still love it. Eventually your feline friend will forgive you.

Bathing your cat will be easier if it is something that you do to it on a regular basis. If you start bathing your kitten when you first get it, the cat will learn that baths are just a routine part of life and are nothing to stress over.

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